Monday, March 01, 2004


A perfect gift for the annivesary of wissa.og: we have got the WISSA rules on line!

Please take a note of the Rule A1: "Every sailor shall behave and act to avoid accidents"

A1. Avoid accidents: Every sailor shall behave and act to avoid accidents.
A2. Obligation to be informed: It is the responsibility of every sailor to be fully informed about conditions and hazards in the sailing area. This includes ice and snow conditions, open water, obstacles, and other people.
A3. Safety Equipment: Helmets must be worn. Protective padding for knees, elbows, hips, shoulders and wrists are recommended. Carrying bear claws and wearing clothing appropriate for the prevailing weather is also recommended.
A4. Emergency Manoeuvers: If a collision seems imminent, all sailors must slow down and must give way to avoid the collision. If on different tacks, the sailor with the right of way must luff up and the sailor without right-of-way must bear off. If on the same tack, the windward sailor must luff up and the leeward sailor must bear off.
A5. Obligation to maintain course: The sailor with right-of-way shall maintain his/her proper course.
A6. Obligation to give way: The sailor without right-of-way shall give way.
A7. Obligation to look behind: The sailor who intends to change tacks must look behind, several times if necessary, to ensure that he/she is clear to tack.
A8. Right-of-way on different tacks: The sailor on port tack (left hand forward) shall give way to the sailor on starboard tack (right hand forward).
A9. Right-of-way on same tack: When two sailors are on the same tack the windward (upwind sailor) shall keep clear.
A10. Right of way when overtaking: The overtaking sailor must give way and the sailor being overtaken shall maintain his/her proper course.
B1. Right-of-way at Marks: At all marks, the first sailor entering the mark circle perimeter has the right of way. The mark circle is an area 10 meters in diameter around the mark. This circle may or may not be physically marked on the ice or snow.
B2. Stopping in the mark circle: No sailor shall intentionally stop or get off the sled inside the perimeter of the mark circle. Rounding the mark by walking is not allowed.
B3. Leaving the mark circle: Each sailor shall leave the mark circle as quickly as possible, to avoid interference with other sailors rounding the mark.
B4. Pushing at the start: Pushing to reach gliding speed at the start line is permitted in the Open Class.
B5. Pushing after stopping: After stopping or after a fall, the sailor may push his/her sled in order to reach gliding speed. This also applies to the area within mark circles.
B6. Lifting of sled: Lifting the sled is permitted after stops, falls and to complete tacks and jibes.
B7. Pumping: Pumping is permitted in all classes.
B8. Skating: In the Free Sail and Kite classes, skate skiing is permitted.
B9. Control of kites: Kite sailors must control their equipment to prevent interference with other sailors. When crossing or passing, the upwind sailor must raise his/her kite and the downwind sailor must lower his/her kite. Overtaking sailors must keep clear of sailors being overtaken. When a kite crashes, lines on the ground are considered to be obstacles. Other sailors must make every effort to avoid these obstacles. Sailors may re-launch their kites only when it will not interfere with other sailors. Kite sailors shall lift their control lines only after looking behind to ensure that there will not be any interference with other sailors or kite lines.
B10. Exchange of equipment: The exchange of equipment (sleds, sails, kites, lines, harness etc. between sailors during a race is not permitted.
B11. Bibs: It is the sailor’s obligation to make sure that bib numbers are fully visible from front and back. Failure to do so may result in a DNF (did not finish).
C1. Open Class: The sailor stands on any type of sled or board or skies to control a conventional sailboard rig. The sled may have blades, skis and/or runners. The sled may also have a snowboard or a mono ski, provided that the rig is attached to the sled only with a universal joint. A windsurfing harness and lines are permitted. Sleds with stayed masts and ice boats such as the DN are not permitted.
C2. Free Sail Class: The sailor stands on any kind of sliding device (skis, skates, snowboard etc.) to control any type of free sail (skate sail, Skimbat, wing sail, etc.) directly with their hands. A windsurfing harness and a line less than 2 m in length is permitted to transmit the sail load to the sailor, but flying lines may not be used to control the sail. Mechanical connections between the sail and the sliding device are not permitted.
C3. Kite Class: The sailor stands on any type of sliding device (skis, skates, snowboard, etc.) to control a kite (or kite train) with control lines. The sailor may not hold the kite directly, but instead only the control handles or control bar. Flying lines are those lines that connect to the handles/bar and the first kite. A short length of very strong, thick line is allowed at the handles/bar, provided it is less than 1 m long and not made of Kevlar or metal. Line length is measured between the handles (or bar) and the back of the last kite. The maximum length allowed is 50 meters. Kevlar and metal flying lines are not allowed. A harness may be worn by the sailor to transmit the kite load, but it must have a mechanical quick-release system or be of the open type, such as a windsurfing hook. A fail-safe method must be incorporated into the control handles/bar system to allow the kite to be de-powered in an extreme gust.


Unknown said...

Rules has been translated to Russian at http//
Alexei Nozdrin.

zookman said...

what about rules for STS?

Dibutil said...

STS must follow the full stack of WISSA and rules above plus any restrictions and regulations that organizers decide to put around it. This is mostly due to the fact that STS may be executed in so many different ways which may be specific to the local conditions and technology.
Otherwise, when WISSA gathering decides on any formal subset for STS it will be added here.

Unknown said...

Are there any obligations to max Sail size?

Dibutil said...

Yes, usually the size is limited for a particular class by the class rules and racing manual.

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